Excellence In Eye Care!

At Texas Regional Eye Center, our mission is simple.  Foremost, we are committed to the care of every human being who seeks our service. In recognition of our commitment, we strive to deliver high quality, cost effective, compassionate health care.

One of the ways we do is this to offer you the highest level of convenience in one location. At Texas Regional Eye Center we offer routine eye care, treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, an on-site  surgical center and more. We can do advanced cataract removal and lens replacement surgery as well as provide iLASIK LASER vision correction, an all-LASER, blade-FREE procedure customized to each individual patient.

Also, in order to provide you with the finest eye care convenience, we offer a full service Optical Shop within Texas Regional Eye Center. You’ll be able to choose from the latest in designer fashions in prescription eyewear and premier sunwear. Our optical shop staff will assit you in selecting just the right look, while using the latest technologies to provide you with excellent eyewear. Offering the best in progressive lenses, a wide variety of contact lenses and prescription sunwear, Texas Regional Eye Center Optical Shop has everything you need to see well, and look good doing it!

Texas Regional Eye Center is a Brazos Valley medical practice that strives to care for Brazos Valley patients. We invest in this community and hire locally. Additionally, we are proud supporters of a number of charity organizations as well as Texas A&M Athletics and MSC OPAS. Don’t go out of town for your eye care when the best can be found here at home in Aggieland.

Don’t trust your vision to just anyone! Visit Texas Regional Eye Center and see for yourself the difference we call “Excellence in Eye Care.”

Call today at (979) 774-0498.

How to Chooose Eye Doctor

Are you looking for an optometrist in College Station or Bryan?  Do you know what an ophthalmologist is?  The differences between an Ophthalmologist, an Optometrist and an Optician have to do with the level of training and expertise of each.  It is important so visit the right health care professional to make sure you properly care for your eyes. You’ll find all three types at Texas Regional Eye Center, so we can provide you with the finest eye care available.  If you’re not sure which you need, call us at (979) 774-0498 and we’ll help you.

Office Visit Info

On your first visit to us, please bring your glasses and a list of medications you may be taking. Also, please bring a picture ID and your current insurance card. You will be asked to complete a medical history and an information form. A complete eye examination takes approximately one hour and includes examination for glasses (refraction) and dilating the pupils with drops to allow the doctor to fully see the inside of your eye. The drops may cause temporary blurring of vision (especially for reading) and sensitivity to bright light.  If you have been referred by another physician, please tell us at the time of your visit, and we will provide him/her with a summary of our findings.

Eye Conditions


Nearsightedness occurs when your eye is too long in relation to the curvature of your cornea. With nearsightedness, near objects are seen more clearly than distant objects. LASIK is used to treat nearsightedness by using laser technology slightly alter the shape of the cornea, thus bringing things into clearer focus.


Farsightedness occurs when your eye is too short in relation to the curvature of your cornea. With farsightedness, distant objects are seen more clearly than near objects. LASIK is used to treat nearsightedness by using laser technology slightly alter the shape of the cornea, thus bringing things into clearer focus.


Astigmatism occurs when your cornea is shaped like a football. With astigmatism, more than one focal point within the eye distorts what you see. LASIK is used to treat nearsightedness by using laser technology slightly alter the shape of the cornea, thus bringing things into clearer focus.

What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus, is a non-inflammatory eye condition in which the typically round dome-shaped cornea progressively thins and weakens, causing the development of a cone-like bulge and optical irregularity of the cornea. This causes blurry vision and can result in significant visual impairment, sometimes requiring a corneal transplant.

Our practice is proud to offer patients in our practice the first and only therapeutic products for corneal cross-linking which have been FDA approved to treat progressive keratoconus. This approval offers an effective treatment for patients who, until recently, had no therapeutic options to limit the progression of this sight-threatening disease.

For information on the FDA approved corneal cross-linking procedure for the treatment of keratoconus and corneal ectasia following refractive surgery, visit www.Livingwithkeratoconus.com.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma, in simple terms, is an eye disease that can cause loss of side vision and blind spots. Typically, high Eye Pressure causes damage to the optic nerve. In severe cases, it may cause blindness.

Can I prevent glaucoma?

Glaucoma cannot be prevented, but loss of sight due to glaucoma can be. Regular visits to the ophthalmologist for early detection can help with this.

Am I at risk for glaucoma?

Some of the greatest risk factors for glaucoma include your age, your family history, past injuries to your eyes, and African ancestry. After looking at these factors, your doctor will determine if you are at high risk for developing glaucoma.

What causes glaucoma?

A clear liquid called aqueous humor fills the front of the eye. It is constantly produced in small amounts and continuously drains from the eye. This keeps the pressure in the eye equal at all times. But, if the drainage angle is blocked, excess fluid cannot drain from the eye. This causes an increase in pressure on the optic nerve, which can cause damage leading to glaucoma.

How do I know if I have glaucoma?

A complete eye examination from your ophthalmologist is the only true way to detect glaucoma. Your doctor will measure your intraocular pressure, check your eyes’ drainage angle, check for optic nerve damage, and test your peripheral vision. These tests are conducted on a regular basis to establish whether there has been a change in your condition.

Are there different types of glaucoma?

Yes. Chronic open-angle glaucoma is the most common type and increases with age. It is a gradual process that is painless. This creates a problem because patients with this type of glaucoma typically are not aware of a problem until the optic nerve is already damaged. Angle-closure glaucoma occurs when the iris (colored portion of the eye) covers the drainage angle. If this occurs suddenly, pressure builds quickly creating a true eye emergency. Some symptoms may include severe pain in the eyes, blurry vision, headache, nausea and vomiting, and multi-colored rings around lights. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should contact an ophthalmologist immediately as blindness can occur if this is not treated quickly. Some patients can experience both kinds of glaucoma.

What are the treatments for glaucoma?

Although glaucoma cannot be reversed, it can be treated with eye drops, oral medications and surgery (both laser and in an operating room). It is important to remember, though, that you play a large role in treating your glaucoma. Your doctor may prescribe medications or eye drops, but it is up to you to follow the doctor’s instructions in taking them and in scheduling regular office visits so your doctor can monitor your vision.

What is a Retina? 

The retina is similar to a camera’s film. The retina is a thin nerve layer on the back wall of your eye. It senses this light and transmits the information to your brain via the optic nerve.

What is a detachment? 

The retina can sometimes pull away from its normal position and cause a curtain or veil to be seen in the patient’s vision. This serious condition will almost always cause blindness unless treated. This is usually caused by the vitreous pulling on the retina hard enough to tear it in and lead to retinal detachment.

Warning signs

Early signs of a possible detached retina include:
-Flashes of light
-New floaters
-A gray curtain moving across your vision

While these symptoms don’t always mean you have a detached retina, you should see your ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Surgical Options
There are several ways to fix a retinal detachment. The decision of which type of surgery and anesthesia (local or general) to use depends upon the characteristics of your detachment.

What is macular degeneration?

There is a small area of the retina, at the back of the eye, called the macula. It makes it possible for you to see fine details of objects. When a deterioration of this area occurs, it’s called macular degeneration. It affects the central portion of your vision, but not the peripheral.

What causes macular degeneration?

Primarily, the process of aging. Age-related macular degeneration is the most common form, but why it develops is unknown. There is “dry” or atrophic macular degeneration, and “wet” or exudative macular degeneration. The dry form causes a gradual vision loss and results from the thinning of the macula tissues. The wet form causes a rapid and severe vision loss and results from the abnormal formation of blood vessels underneath the retina that leak.

What are some symptoms of macular degeneration?

If you find straight lines look distorted, words are blurred or you see dark areas in the center of your vision, you may have macular degeneration. It is typically not noticeable in the early stages. Your ophthalmologist can perform an eye examination to detect the early stages of macular degeneration. You may be alerted to the need for such an examination only when your blurred vision becomes obvious.

What are the treatments for macular degeneration?

Nutritional supplements such as zinc and antioxidant vitamins may help reduce the impact of age-related macular degeneration. However, they cannot cure the problem, nor can they restore lost vision. If you are at risk for developing age-related macular degeneration, though, they may help maintain your vision.

What are Floaters?

Floaters are small specks or clouds moving in your field of vision. Often, you can see them when looking at a plain background like a blank page, computer screen or a clear blue sky.  Some floaters look like dots or circles, while others look like lines or spider webs, or even clouds.

Are Floaters Serious? 

It is possible for a retinal tear to occur when the vitreous gel pulls away from the back wall of the eye. A retinal tear is serious and you should see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible if:
-new floaters appear suddenly
-you see sudden flashes of light

Because of the danger of a torn retina, call as soon as possible if a new floater suddenly appears. While some floaters can remain in your vision for a long period, most will fade over time.